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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Star Trek Into Darkness | is freaking awesome

Quick review
I LOVE it! I'll give Star Trek Into Darkness a  9  out of 10Awesome cast. Solid acting. Lots of kick-ass action with enough amount of emotion and heart. (CinemaScore gives the movie an " ", IMDb gives  8.3 Rotten Tomatoes certifies it  fresh  scoring 86% from critics, 89% from audience)

Smooth special effects, too. The 3D makes the warps big fun. I have great time watching it. 

And the villain -- oh, the villain. Benedict Cumberbatch! Simply amazing. Just... amazing. Awesome. Brilliant. Superb. What else...

In short? Definitely worth to watch on big screen! 

 this movie's awesooome!! - pic from the movie's facebook page 

Below: trailer videos - pictures of the cast from movie's facebook page - character profile videos - magazine covers -  review video - SPOILER-talk videos - and me talking nonsense.
( warning: possible slow loading time for some :\ )

First: le Traileurs (what)
Ah, the drops of water that quenched my thirst since I waited for it years ago.. Ima embed them here~ just for future viewing. This first trailer on the list is the one that fits the mood of the movie most, I think.

enough heart and emotion, enough action and laughter.
...maan, now i wanna watch it again

warp! and amazing scenery. red planet!

Plot & Cast 
For the plot, I'll only say this: basically the movie's about the crew trying to catch the terrorist "John Harrison". Whose voice is badass. And since I'm mentioning him, I'll start the cast countdown with the one I love the most:

"JOHN HARRISON", Commander - That dude in the poster. The villain. Brilliantly, amazingly, awesomely portrayed by Benedict Cumberbatch. Cold, calculating, witty, brutally ruthless and efficient, Cumberbatch's John Harrison WILL make you pay attention to him every time he's on screen. Cos he's such a badass. And there's even a point in the movie where I 'get' where he's coming from and kinda rooting for him.

awesome pic of dear John Harrison on empire magazine february 2013

Cumberbatch's definitely one of the major strength of Star Trek Into Darkness (although the rest of the cast are also doing a great job, mind you).

And when he got John Harrison to speak! Oh my gaawd.. Dat VOICE! So out of this world. Heck, a day after I got out of the movie the first time, I felt like I was still high and weak in the knees just from hearing his voice!

I especially love when he half-whispered/spat the word "Captain," to Kirk when he first met Kirk and co, with loathe dripping from his tone. W.O.W. I got goosebumps remembering it. And that cold, unblinking, steely gaze doesn't hurt, either. ;)

benedict cumberbatch - dang it, why is your voice so sexy??

Btw. Turns out that there's a scene where John Harrison is showering that wasn't included in the movie. I read it on hollywoodreporter. But what do you know: Abrams gives us this EXCLUSIVE peek at it on Conan show:

About Benedict, the British actor also did a genius job in Sherlock (BBC), the multiple award winner tv mini-series of a modern day Sherlock Holmes. 9.2 on IMDb! Can't wait for the next season (season 3).

He mostly do documentary I think, mostly on BBC. He played Vincent van Gogh, Stephen Hawking (where he got an award in it. oh, he was amazing!), did an amazing short film with Tom Hardy in "Stuart: A Life Backwards", he's on star-studded movie "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy", he's playing legendary dragon Smaug in "The Hobbit", ... Man, I can go on and on about him. Hmm, I think I'll get him his own corner in another entry.

Point is: he is hot. Some people say he looks 'weird'. But for me, the fact that he's different is what makes him all the more scorching hot. And he's awesome. And can act. And he's such a shy (and sometimes cutely awkward) and down to earth gentleman who smiles a lot too, in real life. Ah, Benedict. I think have a crush on you. Blush blush.

JAMES T. KIRK, Commander/Captain - Or just "Jim", the captain of the ship. The gut-feeling-factor of the movie. Portrayed by Chris Pine.

I like that Pine can bring out the emotion and fragility to the brash and sometimes cocky (?) Kirk. Makes the character likable, even if I'm sometimes pissed at him for being so reckless at times. The dude is a preetty good actor, I must say.

Oh, and I found out from The Graham Norton Show (season 13 episode 5 Chris Pine & Benedict Cumberbatch) that he do theater, too, not just movies. He told a pretty hilarious story about his experience on stage in that show.

Here's John Harrison's "Disruptions" video (clips of Harrison analyses the Star Trek crew) of Kirk.

SPOCK, Commander - Or usually referred to as "Mister Spock", the sound of hardcore logic among the characters. Portrayed by Zachary Quinto, who's doing a pretty darn good job at it.

He's the dude that played Sylar (kyaa! fav character) in NBC's sci-fi series Heroes. He's awesome in that, too!

He got a pretty good relation with Leonard Nimoy, the actor who played Spock in the original tv series. And, speaking of those two, the ad they make for Audi is hilarious!

So they raced to the golf club, betting on lunch. Quinto, who drove Audi, got to the lobby first. But Nimoy ended up winning. Why? Because he's Spock, for crying out loud!

Btw. Spock's "Disruptions".

DR. LEONARD McCOY, Lieutenant Commander - Or "Bones", the doc/medic of the team. I love this guy. Grumpy, logical, sarcastic and awesome. And Karl Urban does a superb job in portraying him.

Yep, he's the dude that awesomely played Judge Dredd in the 2012 "Dredd" movie. My favorite movie too, that one. Have I told you that Star Trek Into Darkness has an awesome cast?

Famous Bones quotes:
"He's dead, Jim."
"Damnit, Jim, I'm a doctor, not a <insert anything you like here> !"

MONTGOMERY SCOTT, Lieutenant Commander - Or "Scotty", the machine-room guy. Portrayed also awesomely by actor/comedian Simon Pegg. He's the funny-guy of the movie.

In "Into Darkness" he plays a significant role. And Pegg can deliver Scotty's emotion well, too!

Fyi, he's the voice actor of detective Thompson in "The Adventures Of Tintin: The Secret Of The Unicorn", among others big projects he did.

HIKARU SULU, Lieutenant Commander - Or "Sulu". The super cool dude. Portrayed by handsome bloke John Cho, a South Korea born actor. He's usually the one who pulls the warp lever.

I kind like him, too, cause he's cool. Heck, I might as well say that I like all Star Trek characters. Haven't found one that I strongly dislike.

PAVEL ANDREIEVICH CHEKOV, Ensign - Or just "Chekov". Portrayed by Anton Yelchin. He's the one who often announced "Captain on the bridge" with thick accent. Which is always fun to hear.

Daang, Chekov is adorable. Btw. Yelchin's the one played young Jacob Clarke in Stephen Spielberg's miniseries "Taken".

NYOTA UHURA, Lieutenant - Or just "Uhura". Spock's girlfriend. Portrayed by Zoe Zaldana. Zaldana played Neytiri, main character in  James Cameron's Avatar.

CAROL WALLACE, Doctor/Science Officer - Kirk's future love interest. Perhaps. Portrayed by Alice Eve. She's the second one from the right. (thank you Cap'n Obvious!)

The reason for her British accent : I read somewhere (ack I forgot the source..), that on a deleted scene, it was explained that she got British accent because her father was stationed in London when she was a child. Thus, the English accent, although her dad's 'Murican.

Hmm I guess the cast is pretty much it. Oh, there's Robocop, too, in the movie.

Mostly positive! Aside from the ones I stated in the beginning of this looong post, review on twitter and youtube also mostly positive.

Below are some of the spoiler-FREE reviews.

SPOILER Videos !!!
Below are the SPOILER review videos of Star Trek Into Darkness. I gotta say, I really love the Jeremy Jahn's one (the 1st video). Got me rofl-ed all the time. He did some good impressions of the characters, there.

Final Thought 
I... was going to write something awesome and thoughtful and wise. But, since I don't have anything awesome to say, except for praises, my worship to Benedict Cumberbatch and the rest of the cast and how fun the movie was, I'll leave it at that. (damnit Jim! i'm not a doctor!)

I just hope that in the next Star Trek (definitely involving Klingon war, I predict), they'd use Benedict's character again. And got him as the main character. And make him his own movie. And, and, make him as villain in Avengers 2, in other adaptations, and all movies to come.


Btw. The rumor about him playing "Bond"? No. I much prefer he's the bad guy. Or some significant supporting character. With the right script, he can be legendary, this guy.

Anyways, I enjoyed the movie a lot. Have watched it 3 times so far, and will definitely watch it on theater again! And definitely will buy the DVD. And then will play and replay and play and replay.

.... Should I go consult someone?


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