Dengan berbekal dengkul - Senin kemarin akhirnya saya berangkat juga nonton The Hobbit ma Silent Hill Revelation di Yogyakarta. Perjalanan ramai tapi lancar [it's holiday season!], antrian bioskopnya puanjoang [15 menit setelah pintu dibuka, antrian uda mengular sampe ke tempat parkir. it was awesome.], tapi untungnya saya masi kebagian ciketch [makasi novel, uda menemani saya 2 jam menunggu filmnya diputar].
All in all: sukses de main ke Jogja-nya. My verdict? The Hobbit: thumbs up. Silent Hill Revelation: wellll... .
All in all: sukses de main ke Jogja-nya. My verdict? The Hobbit: thumbs up. Silent Hill Revelation: wellll... .
hobbit's door -
THE HOBBIT - Is lots of fun! This first part of the trilogy has a really cheerful note in it, and since I didn't read the books, I must say I'm quite surprised at how cheerful it is. Tapi memang ini adaptasiyong buku cerita anak-anak sih, ya, jadi wajar kalo ceria gitu dibandingin LotR.
Mr. Peter Jackson: damnit man, that's cruel. So cruel. Whyy do we have to wait for another year for the second part?? Wargh. Pan pilemnya uda selesai shooting semuwaa bangg. Masa musti tunggu setahun lagi buat nonton lanjutannya, and then another year for the last part??
Kinda funny, though: kmaren begitu filmnya selesai, penontonnya pada, "Aargh!" gara-gara pada keburu kepingin ngeliat lanjutannya. That's kinda fun, sharing the same pleasurable agony with the others.
Mr. Peter Jackson: damnit man, that's cruel. So cruel. Whyy do we have to wait for another year for the second part?? Wargh. Pan pilemnya uda selesai shooting semuwaa bangg. Masa musti tunggu setahun lagi buat nonton lanjutannya, and then another year for the last part??
Kinda funny, though: kmaren begitu filmnya selesai, penontonnya pada, "Aargh!" gara-gara pada keburu kepingin ngeliat lanjutannya. That's kinda fun, sharing the same pleasurable agony with the others.
Jadi? Definitely worth it. :) Can't wait for the second part. Another reason to postpone this year's armageddon. ;)
Pros and cons aside, yang pasti, it did make image sharper. The most pleasant effect of that is, the 3D effects and the CGI thingies blend well, cos they both then have that same sharpness. And that makes this movie's 3D a lot of fun. Specially the scenes with the eagles and goblins and the stormy mountains! Love love those scenes.
Na, bagian yang saya ga begitu suka: saking tajamnya, the movie lost its [I dunno if I said this feeling right] cinematic-ness [is that even a word?]. Mmm, dramatic-ness? Maksutnyah, ternyata memang seperti yang dibilang sebagian critics, bahwa gerakannya jadi sedikit kayak video rumahan. Kalo saya pribadi sih lebi suka yang 24 fps, karena it just feels more dramatic on 24 fps. Grand-er. Otherworldi-er. [what?]
But then again, maybe this is just a matter of personal taste.
Plus! Since I only saw the movie once, it could also be that I was just not used to seeing 48 yet.
I also was sitting to far on the front, so it might affect my view. And, I wasn't feeling all that well last Monday. So, I also dunno if it's just me, or it's the camera speed, but I got a bit dizzy when looking at fast movements on the screen. Probably just me. Hopefully.
That's why, to be fair, I think I'll watch it again. Just to be sure. [alesan buat ngeliat Kili lagi yay~ love him.]
love ya, bilbo freeman :D -
Martin Freeman - Great job you did there, man. I love that body language. There's a bit quirkiness there. Well, it's a bit similar to the one seen in his Watson [Sherlock BBC], but still. Kinda fresh. I like what he did. Thumbs up from me. Dan karakternya konyol banget. Serius-serius-konyol. Pigimana tu bang.
Kili - Is hot. Is fun. He's so hot. Mummuwaah. Jahil baget lagih. I liike~
Thorin - Is a cool badass dude. Gotta love him lots. Smooches.
And the elves! - Are darn beautiful. That Elvenking in the early scenes: w.o.o.o.w. That's one gorgeous creature, that one. Dat crown! [edit] I just found out that he's Thandruil, Legolas' father. No wonder.. Kudos for the makeup and costumes. And, cute moose you got there, dude.
Gollum - Ah, love him. His expressions, man: so entertaining! Impressive. Menyenangkan sekali ngeliat ekspresi dia. Gara-garanya, si Andy Serkis waktu jadi Gollum mukanya juga sekarang dipasangi alat motion capture juga, jadi ekspresi Gollum sudah lebih bisa se-kompleks ekspresi manusia asli dibanding dulu. Darn technology. Love it.
Warg - I love them wargs. Specially that white one. Yeah, I got soft spot for beasts. Sayang karakternya hitam putih, jadinya warg-nya jahat dah.
Oh, a bit of fun-fact: Peter Jackson said on The Colbert Report [during Hobbit week] that he's cameo-ing in the first 7-8 minutes of the movie. I forgot to look for him, though. Penasaran, penasaran. Musti buka mata lebar-lebar nih, kalo besok nonton lagi.
SILENT HILL REVELATION - Welll... Sebenarnya ga jelek-jelek amat. Banyak adegan yang lumayan bikin penonton kaget-kaget. Tapi! Begitu sampe ke klimaks, ceritanya itu: very, very, VERY anti-climactic. Such a bummer. Sayang banget.
It feels like you're given a treasure map, and promised a great gift that you've been wanting so much. The journey to find the treasure was quite fun, but then when you open that treasure chest, you find that the content is meh.
All in all, Silent Hill Revelation mayan lah buat ngabisin waktu. Cuman ya itu, jangan ngarep tinggi-tinggi ke klimaksnya. Nikmatin aj plot sebelum the climax, and [perhaps] it won't be as disappointing.
Oya, adegan susternya: waha. Maak. Mesum kali suara suster-suster ituh! Gahaha. Jadi agak lucu deh jadinya, ga serem.
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